Route № 63ВК

reliable route Rating: 4.2 ()
Regularity: 94%
Carrier: 12629 ATP TZOV

Start of trip:
18:00 KOSIV
18:17 18:18 PISTYN# 10.5 km 18.70 ₴
18:23 18:24 UTOROPY# 14.4 km 26.20 ₴
18:29 18:30 YABLUNIV# 18.8 km 33.60 ₴
18:34 18:35 STOPCHATIV# 21.8 km 41.10 ₴
18:50 19:00 KOLOMYIA 35.6 km 67.30 ₴
19:24 19:25 L.KHLIBYCHYN# 57.6 km 106.60 ₴
19:35 19:36 OTYNIIA# 66.6 km 121.50 ₴
19:57 19:58 KHOMIAKIVKA# 84.6 km 158.90 ₴
20:20 IV.FRANKIVSK-1 100.6 km 188.80 ₴
Reviews of route 63ВК "KOSIV - IVANO-FRANKIVS'K" you can read here Promo & information sticker/card of this route State of Jan. 3, 2025, 3:03 a.m. from server "KOSIV" 262800